Sims 4 - Munson Legacy Generation 2

Continuing the Munson Legacy - Kiersten is all grown up and decided to get in to the business career. She met a wonderful man at work, Byron Walden.

Time for a grand meal for Winterfest

Traditions are important in the Munson clan

Kiersten is a take charge kind of gal. Proposal to Byron

A winter wedding... despite clicking on the wedding arch, they
had a front of the building ceremony

Hard at work, researching stocks... busy

After reaching the top of her career, Kiersten has a kiddo. Liz is born!

A busy mom needs a good nanny!

What even is parenthood?

Liz - you're a smart girl, do your homework and you will succeed!

Next time: Liz ages up and resents her mom for being a workaholic. :( What does she do when she becomes a young adult?


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